Lit Silicone Banana Water Pipe Bong


Lit Silicone 12'' Banana Water Pipe Bong

Not only is this 12" LIT Silicone Banana Water Pipe hella a-peeling, its made of BPA-free, food safe, dishwasher safe silicone and includes a downstem and bowl that is made of 100% borosilicate glass. Simply put, we're going bananas over it!

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Bong Shop Resources

Buying a Glass or Silicone Bong
Glass bongs are almost always the best because you can clean them to a neutral where Silicone Bongs can stand the test of the trunk of your car.
Percolator Bongs - Everything You Need To Know
It's actually smoother when you smoke out of a bong with a percolator. The Water is forced through vents which helps separate the smoke from the carbon, ash, and resin.
How To Clean A Bong
All glass, silicone, and acrylic bongs can be cleaned. For glass bongs you can use Orange Chronic Cleaner or 99 proof alcohol and coarse salt.