GEAR 14/20 Thumper Cone Pull-Out Periwinkle


GEAR 14/20 Thumper Cone Pull-Out Periwinkle

New colour!!!!

  • For 14mm Joints

GEAR Glass is a top quality glass company formed in Vancouver in 2003. They started out just making high quality, durable straight tube water pipes and bubble base water pipes, but due to the high demand for their quality glass, they eventually expanded into pipes, percolated water pipes, ash catchers, and diffused stems. The understated elegance of their design and the high quality of their glass makes them one of the most popular glass brands across North America.

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Bong Shop Resources

Buying a Glass or Silicone Bong
Glass bongs are almost always the best because you can clean them to a neutral where Silicone Bongs can stand the test of the trunk of your car.
Percolator Bongs - Everything You Need To Know
It's actually smoother when you smoke out of a bong with a percolator. The Water is forced through vents which helps separate the smoke from the carbon, ash, and resin.
How To Clean A Bong
All glass, silicone, and acrylic bongs can be cleaned. For glass bongs you can use Orange Chronic Cleaner or 99 proof alcohol and coarse salt.